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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 5212
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Master Vail gritted his teeth, barely holding back his anger as he faced the kid in front of him.

“You’ve got some nerve,” he growled.

“I spared your mutt’s life and this is how you repay me? With disrespect?”

Charlie’s smirk only fueled Master Vail’s fury.

The kid was cheap, so cheap it made him want to strangle him.

But he knew better than to take things too far.

He couldn’t risk causing a scene in public, or worse, getting the police involved.

It was a delicate dance, trying to assert his dominance without going too far.

Master Vail had a reputation to uphold, after all.

But the more he tried to control his temper, the more it slipped through his fingers.

Charlie had a way of getting under his skin like no one else.

Despite being an eight-star martial artist, he knew better than to cross the police in a bustling metropolis like

Aurous Hill.

He could take Charlie out with a single punch, no doubt about it.

But the aftermath of such a violent confrontation would be messy, to say the least.

The real problem was how to end the fight without becoming a wanted criminal in the city.

He couldn’t risk drawing unwanted attention to himself, not when he was so close to finding the Rejuvenation Pill.

He had his sights set on Dr. Simmons’ Clinic for a reason.

After scouring the city for information, he learned that Dr. Simmons was the most renowned traditional doctor in

Aurous Hill.

There were rumors that he possessed a magic medicine that could cure even the most hopeless cases.

If those rumors were true, it was possible that Dr. Simmons had access to the same elixir that Stephanie Sun had


He had tried to approach Dr. Simmons before, posing as a patient in need of medical attention.

While he was impressed with the doctor’s skills in traditional medicine, he quickly discovered that Dr. Simmons

knew nothing about alchemy, let alone how to refine the elixir that he needed.

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But he wasn’t one to give up so easily.

He hatched a plan to force Dr. Simmons into a medical competition, pitting his skills against his own.

If he won, he would take over the clinic and use it as a platform to attract other talented individuals to his cause.

He knew that success in the medical field would bring him fame and fortune.

And with that, he could easily establish himself as a prominent figure in Aurous Hill.

He understood that top talent in both medicine and metaphysics were highly sought after by the wealthy and


If he could prove himself to be one of those talents, the possibilities were endless.

Taking over Dr. Simmons’ clinic would be the key to his success.

Once he had established himself as a genius doctor, he would be highly sought after by Aurous Hill’s elite.

It would make it easy for him to integrate into high society and gather valuable information.

That’s why winning this clinic was his top priority.

Despite Charlie’s arrogance, Master Vail didn’t see him as a potential ally of Dr. Simmons.

To him, Charlie was nothing more than a clown.

He was getting increasingly irritated by Charlie’s constant taunting, but he couldn’t afford to lash out.

Instead, he turned to him with a dark expression and said, “Kid, do you have any idea who you’re talking to? No

one’s ever dared to speak to me like that in my entire life.”

Charlie sneered, his lips curling into a contemptuous smile, “You’re nothing but a husky with a feather duster up

your ass, pretending to be a big bad wolf.

If you want to act tough, go pick a fight with the cops across the street.

Don’t mess with me here.”

Master Vail was beside himself with rage.

He raised his hand to strike Charlie, but the mention of the police station across the street stopped him dead in his


With no outlet for his anger, he began to pace back and forth, grinding his teeth in frustration.

“Who the hell are you?” he spat.

“Why do you insist on humiliating me? Can’t you see I’m old enough to deserve some respect?”

Charlie let out a derisive snort, “You come at me like a wild dog, demanding respect, and now you want to know

who I am? Fine.

What’s your last name? Why are you here and where are you going?”

Master Vail’s anger was palpable.

His fists clenched and unclenched, his body shaking with rage.

“My name is Master Vail,” he spat out.

“In North America, they call me Master Vail!”

Charlie looked him up and down, a glint of recognition in his eyes.

“Oh, so it’s you, Master Vail?” he drawled

Master Vail ground his teeth, his patience wearing thin.

“Yes, that’s right.

I’m Master Vail.

And what of it?”

Charlie let out a disdainful laugh.

“So everyone calls you Master Vail.

You think you’re some kind of god? Stronger than me?”

Master Vail seethed with anger.

He was certain that Charlie was trying to provoke him.

“Enough with the games, kid,” he snapped.

“I didn’t come here to chat.

I’m looking for Dr. Simmons.

Where is he? Tell him to come out and talk to me.

Xyla burst into the room, out of breath but visibly relieved.

“Master Wade, I did everything you asked,” she said breathlessly.

Master Vail turned to her immediately.

“Where’s your grandfather?” he demanded.

“Why did he say he was going to be a turtle today?”

Xyla rolled her eyes in disgust.

“My grandfather is no turtle,” she snapped.

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“If anyone’s a turtle, it’s you.

You’re the one sticking your head out, trying to bite people.”

Master Vail’s face turned red with fury.

He seethed with anger at Xyla’s words.

“Enough talk,” he spat.

“If Dr. Simmons won’t come out, I’ll take his plaque down myself.”

Charlie stepped forward, blocking Master Vail’s path.

“Hold it right there, you shameless old man,” he said.

“Who do you think you are, coming into someone else’s clinic and trying to take down their plaque? Are you a


Master Vail’s expression turned cold.

“Dr. Simmons lost this clinic to me in a bet,” he replied.

“He made a promise, and I intend to hold him to it.”

Charlie rolled his eyes in disgust.

“You really don’t understand the law, do you? This clinic isn’t even worth a fraction of what you’re claiming.

If you’re saying that Dr. Simmons lost millions to you, you’re clearly involved in illegal gambling.

Charlie turned to Xyla and said, “Call 911… Let’s see what the police have to say about this.”

Master Vail grew increasingly agitated, stamping his feet in frustration.

“You’re clearly trying to cheat me,” he spat out.

Charlie scoffed, “I’m not trying to cheat you.

You made the bet yourself.

And besides, I didn’t see any witnesses.

Did you have anyone to back up your claim?”

Master Vail’s voice turned cold and replied, “Of course I have witnesses.

Everyone who was here yesterday can testify.

And there was a woman who volunteered to be our test subject when I competed with Dr. Simmons.

She can vouch for me too.”

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