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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 5216
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Dr. Simmons heard his granddaughter’s panicked voice and ignored Charlie’s command to stay behind.

He rushed out to see what was happening and was stunned to find Charlie and Master Vail frozen in a moment of


Master Vail’s face contorted with rage as he aimed a powerful punch at Charlie’s face. However, Charlie remained

unfazed, calmly extending his right hand and blocking Master Vail’s fist with a single finger.

The grandfather and granddaughter duo were stunned at Charlie’s display of power, unable to believe what they

were witnessing.

Master Vail’s expression went from murderous and ferocious to bewildered, panicked, and horrified.

He couldn’t believe how easily Charlie blocked his punch with just one finger; a middle finger.

The gesture of raising the middle finger is a universal body language that means “f*ck you!” or “you are an idiot!”,

and Master Vail was humiliated that he fell for it.

Despite his ever-changing expressions, the only thing he couldn’t regain was his previous arrogance.

As Charlie’s smile became more playful, Master Vail’s heart grew more fearful.

Master Vail swallowed nervously, his throat dry with tension.

He muttered under his breath, “How is this possible… How is this possible… I am an eight-star warrior…”

Suddenly, he raised his head and stared at Charlie with a look of fear.

“You… Who are you?” he asked.

Charlie smiled slyly.

“In the past, when people asked me that question, I would usually tell them, ‘I’m someone you can’t afford to


Master Vail’s voice trembled as he asked, “And what about now?”

Charlie sneered at Master Vail, his voice dripping with disdain.

“You still can’t afford me now, even if you ask nicely.”

As Master Vail realized that he had been outsmarted by Charlie once again, he was no longer angry, only afraid.

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He had come to the frightening realization that Charlie’s strength far surpassed his own, to the point where they

were not even in the same league.

As the saying goes, ‘a gnat may shake a tree’, and Master Vail understood this all too well at that moment.

Master Vail recoiled in fear like a child who has been caught red-handed, begging for mercy.

“I don’t know…” he stammered, “I offended Master Wade… I hope you will be merciful…”

Charlie regarded him with a measured gaze.

“Alright… I’ll give you the chance to ask me again.”

Master Vail’s eyes widened in surprise.

He hastily lowered himself in a bow and spoke humbly, “Master Wade, I am like an ant in front of you.

I dare not offend you by asking your identity…”

Charlie’s lips curled into a smile.


He remarked with a hint of amusement.

“You’re quick to act tough when you have the upper hand, but when the tables are turned, you’re nothing but a


It’s no use, old man.”

Master Vail’s mind raced as he realized the gravity of the situation.

He had underestimated Charlie’s cunning and now found himself at the mercy of this mysterious figure.

Charlie noticed the fear in Master Vail’s eyes and pressed on, “You came to Aurous Hill for a pill, didn’t you?”

Master Vail’s heart sank as he realized that he had been caught.

He thought back to the day he had arrived in town, how he had carefully guarded his secret, and yet here he was,

exposed and vulnerable.

As Charlie continued to speak, a new suspicion formed in Master Vail’s mind.

Could it be that Charlie knew about Evan’s family and their involvement in the affair?

He couldn’t help but wonder, “How does he know about my mission? Could he be connected to Stefanie Sun and

Evan’s family?”

As the realization dawned on Master Vail, he trembled and spoke with fear, “Master Wade… Could it be that you are

the one who created the Rejuvenation Pill?”

Charlie smirked, “You catch on quick…”

Master Vail immediately fell to his knees and spoke in a reverent voice, “Master Vail, the thirty-ninth generation

successor of the Mystic Harmony Sect, pays homage to his Master!”

Charlie raised an eyebrow, “I’m not from your Taoist sect, nor am I your master.”

Master Vail was taken aback, “But… The art of alchemy is a secret of the Taoist sect.

How could someone who is not a Taoist create something like the Rejuvenation Pill? It must have been passed down

through generations of the Taoist sect…”

Charlie let out a snort of derision.

“Alchemy isn’t exclusive to the Taoist sect.

Who said that only Taoists can refine it? Besides, even though you’re part of the sect, can we trust the alchemy you

make? If your alchemy were reliable, you wouldn’t have needed my Life Saving Pill to save the old man of the

Evans family, would you?”

Master Vail hung his head in shame and confessed, “Master Wade speaks the truth.

I’ve been looking at the world with narrow eyes and failed to recognize that there’s a wider world out there.

Please forgive my ignorance.”

Charlie nodded.

“I must say, despite your age, you have the humility to admit your mistake.

I admire that.”

Master Vail’s face was still flushed with shame as he spoke humbly.

“I am but a humble student of the Taoist sect, and as the saying goes, to err is human.

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I have made a grave mistake, and I fear that I lack the knowledge and ability to atone for it.

Only with your guidance, Master Wade, can I hope to make amends and learn from my mistakes.”

Charlie raised an eyebrow at Master Vail’s sudden display of subservience.

“I don’t recall offering to guide you or show you mercy,” he said dryly.

Master Vail quickly backtracked, nodding his head fervently.

“Please forgive my presumption, Master Wade.

I am fully prepared to face the consequences of my actions, whatever they may be.”

Charlie nodded slightly with a smile and said, “Good, good.

But now it’s time to put words into action.

Where’s the medicine cauldron you bet with me? Show it to me.”

Master Vail was caught off guard and struggled inwardly.

Noticing his hesitation, Charlie sneered and said, “What’s the matter? It’s too late to back out now, isn’t it?”

Master Vail’s whole body trembled with fear, finally realizing the gravity of the situation.

He realized that holding onto the medicine cauldron was useless if he didn’t prioritize his life.

With a resolute mind, he took off the cloth bag from his body and presented it to Charlie with utmost respect.

“Master Wade, please accept this medicine cauldron as a token of my apology.

It has been passed down for nearly a thousand years in the lower division.”

Charlie didn’t immediately take the cloth bag but instead looked at him with a curious expression.

“Are you sure you want to give this to me?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.

Master Vail gritted his teeth and said respectfully, “Yes, I really want to give it to Master Wade!”

Charlie looked at him with a smile and asked, “Is that so?”

Master Vail nodded earnestly and replied, “Yes, it is true!”

Charlie continued to probe, “And you don’t regret it?”

Despite the pain coursing through his body, Master Vail nodded resolutely.

“No, I don’t regret it!”

Charlie smiled with satisfaction, “Well then, since you are so sure, I will reluctantly accept it!”

Read The Charismatic Charlie Wade - the best manga of 2020