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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 5266
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The temperature of both the engine’s water and the hood remained high, despite the absence of any passengers

or drivers inside the car.

Meanwhile, Jarvis had taken refuge in the heart of a tall tree located in the northern forest adjacent to the copper


Concealing his figure amidst the thick foliage, he could easily monitor the activity on the mine’s north side through

the small gaps in the leaves.

Another tree behind him bore the weight of a decapitated corpse.

The brutal force with which the head had been wrenched from the body was evident, and the deceased’s own belt

had been used to tie both ankles to a thick branch, suspending the lifeless form in mid-air.

Blood still spurted from the severed neck, mingling with the rain and forming a crimson stream on the ground.

This unfortunate soul had been the taxi driver who had transported Jarvis to this location.

Jarvis had originally intended to kill people on the plane, but this plan was deemed unfeasible due to the risk of

alarming the crew and potentially causing an air crash.

Consequently, he had shifted his focus to the taxi driver.

The driver had obediently parked on the roadside as Jarvis had asked, but the latter was unwilling to leave anything

to chance when it came to his own safety.

As a result, he dragged the driver into the nearby woods and mercilessly took his life, using the act to alleviate his

own depression.

With the deed done, Jarvis finally felt a sense of calm wash over him.

Ignoring the bloody corpse that now lay behind him, he instead turned his attention to the copper mine located not

far away.

Having mastered reiki, his senses had become significantly enhanced, allowing him to detect the presence of the

secret sentries stationed at the mine even from several hundred meters away.

Jarvis was not surprised to learn of the existence of these sentries, given the crucial role that the Dead Soldiers

Station played in the Warriors Den.

Each of these stations was a costly investment in terms of both manpower and resources, and security was

therefore deemed of utmost importance.

Fortunately for Jarvis, the strength of these cavalry guards was relatively weak, with an overall combat power rating

of only five to eight stars.

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Given his own formidable skills, he was confident that he could easily blend in without attracting any unwanted


Unlike Charlie, who had fortuitously stumbled upon the “Apocalyptic Book” and swiftly mastered the Aura, Jarvis had

diligently cultivated his skills, gradually advancing from being a warrior in the Light Realm to the Dark Realm,

Transformation Realm, and finally the Master Realm.

It was only upon reaching the Master level that he had truly mastered the Aura.

While his control over the Aura was still rudimentary, his combat abilities and experience were formidable.

A martial artist who could advance to the Master level through sheer hard work was undoubtedly a martial arts

genius, one who dedicated himself to his craft year-round, surpassing the limitations of

ordinary people.

Such an individual could sometimes become arrogant and dismissive of modern technology.

Confronted by the copper mine, along with its commissioner, cavalry guards, and dead soldiers, Jarvis felt an

unparalleled sense of superiority.

He regarded the people there, even the powerful Commissioner Zyron, as mere Dark Realm warriors who were not

even worthy of carrying his shoes.

Given this attitude, he deemed it almost impossible for him to face any significant risks in this place.

Unbeknownst to Jarvis, Charlie had foregone the traditional approach of using control weapons to handle a martial

arts prodigy like him.

Instead, he had loaded and powered up three close-in defense guns, poised to deliver a fatal blow to the opponent

at a moment’s notice.

Jarvis took a deep breath, and with a calm demeanor, he meticulously surveyed the surrounding area, searching

for any sign of others who might be covertly observing the copper mine.

However, after more than ten minutes of careful observation, he concluded that he was the only one outside the

mine, and there was no one else in the vicinity.

This led him to deduce that the mine was not being monitored by outsiders.

Yet, the real issue could lie within the mine itself.

With this in mind, Jarvis resolved to infiltrate the mine at once.

Prior to departing, Jarvis retrieved his mobile phone and sent a message to Victor, which read: [Brother, no

abnormalities found outside the copper mine.

I am ready to infiltrate, and you should issue a secret order to Zyron within ten minutes.]

Shortly thereafter, he received a brief reply from Victor: [Okay, brother!]

Despite his impressive martial arts abilities, Jarvis lacked any real understanding of technology.

If he had known more about the field, he would have realized that the reason why warriors did not reign supreme in

this world was due to the influence of cutting-edge technology, which diminished the relative significance of martial


He believed that everyone present was considerably weaker than him, and thus instinctively assumed that there

was no one who could pose a threat to him.

However, he never imagined that there were three formidable assassins positioned at the three commanding

heights of the copper mine who were more than capable of dealing with him.

In the wider world, no one was foolish enough to rely solely on close-in artillery to overpower their foes, just as no

one would think to use a main battle tank to rob a bank.

However, in this situation, the use of such weapons made perfect sense.

As Jarvis held his breath and rapidly and silently broke through the north wall of the copper mine, he remained

oblivious to the fact that Wesley’s computer screen had already issued an alarm when he was two hundred meters

away from the wall.

Simultaneously, the servo motors of the three close-in anti-aircraft guns began rotating at high speed, and the

muzzles of the guns were continually adjusted in accordance with their respective predetermined strike positions as

Jarvis moved.

In that moment, Jarvis suddenly felt something amiss, and his intuition gave rise to an unsettling sensation, as if

many skilled warriors were watching him from the shadows.

He couldn’t help but wonder, “What’s going on… Why do I feel so uneasy in my heart…”

However, the feeling quickly dissipated, and he dismissed it as mere paranoia.

Despite his fears, Jarvis reminded himself that he had already broken through to the Grand Master Realm, and was

no longer a mere warrior.

Given his immense strength, he believed that there were few opponents in the world who could match him.

As such, how could a mere Master pose any real threat to him in this place?

Unbeknownst to him, Wesley had already positioned his finger on the enter key of his computer, poised to trigger

the three close-in defense guns to attack Jarvis’s location and its immediate surroundings with lightning speed.

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As Wesley sweated nervously, his Master Jackson stood anxiously behind him, urging him to act.

“Wesley, fire!” he exclaimed.

“This man moves so quickly, he must be one of the Four Great Marshals!”

However, Wesley hesitated.

“Master, I fear he may have companions.

We should exercise caution and wait until he enters the first-level security range before opening fire.”

Outside, Jarvis believed that he had successfully reached the wall undetected.

Using his reiki, he probed the area and detected that the nearest Cavalry Guard was stationed on the roof of a

building approximately 20 meters away.

While this distance wasn’t particularly far or close, he remained agile and was able to conceal his breath, making it

unlikely that he would be discovered.

Despite his overwhelming confidence, Jarvis couldn’t shake off the unease he felt as he looked up at the imposing


His heart sank, and he experienced a sense of foreboding that he had never encountered before.

It was almost as if he were being watched by someone in secret.

This feeling was unusual, as he had never been afraid in his heart, even when he had rushed headlong into

darkness with all his might at a young age.

Yet, here he was, feeling inexplicable anxiety and fear twice in just a matter of seconds.

He couldn’t comprehend where this unease was coming from, and he temporarily attributed it to Zeba.

He cursed inwardly, “Damn Zeba, always disturbing me.

I’ll make you pay sooner or later!”

Without hesitation, Jarvis shook his head, refocused his attention on the towering wall before him, and agilely

flipped over it to land on the inner side.

Meanwhile, Wesley’s finger remained poised on the Enter key, as the system issued another early warning that the

target had entered the first-level alert range.

Furthermore, Wesley determined that there were no other targets within the second-level warning range, which led

him to conclude that there was only one individual present.

Observing the thermal imaging outline of the human body on his monitor, Wesley spoke lightly.

“Since you’re the only one, you can proceed alone.”

With that, the only sound that broke the unnerving silence in the room was a quiet clatter.

Update of The Charismatic Charlie Wade