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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 5373
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Ladden graciously accepted the money, all the while showering Gideon with compliments. “Old man, it seems you

have a discerning eye as well! Were you once involved in the world of pottery when you were younger?”

Gideon waved his hand and grinned. “As for me, I have some knowledge of antiques, but not the art of tomb


Indeed, Gideon’s familiarity with tomb raiding was limited. In his youth, he had heard rumors of treacherous

exploits and daring tomb heists, like Sun Tianying’s audacious plundering of Cixi’s tomb. However, his many years

of monastic life had left him with little interest in such endeavors or the relics themselves.

Yet, when one has lived a long life, they inevitably accumulate a wealth of information, whether actively seeking it

or simply absorbing it from their surroundings. Gideon had come across stories and whispers of the treacherous

world of tomb raiding, including the intriguing concept of the backstabbing support pot.

Curiosity getting the better of him, Gideon cautiously approached Ladden. “Young man, would you be willing to

show me this famous ring of yours?”

Ladden understood that the old man’s desire to see the finger was the reason behind his previous remarks. He had

cleverly played his cards, extracting money from Gideon step by step. With a hint of difficulty in his voice, he

replied, “Old man, this finger is not merely a gift but a token from my elder brother. Its origin is quite sensitive and I

cannot easily show it to you. I hope you can understand my hesitation.”

Gideon was perplexed by Ladden’s response. To clear the air, he reached into his robe and pulled out two crisp

hundred-dollar bills, presenting them to Zachary with utmost seriousness. “Young man, let me be frank with you.

During my recent travels to Eastcliff and Aurous Hills, I sought out exquisite antiques

from these ancient capitals. If this ring proves to be flawless, I will offer you a thousand dollars. In return, I kindly

ask for your assistance in connecting me with your brother.”

Ladden had not anticipated such straightforwardness from the old man. The money driven Ladden hesitated for a

moment, but eventually, he steeled himself and said, “Yes! Since you hold this ring in such high regard, I will

remove it and show it to you!”

Without further ado, he removed the jade ring and handed it over to Gideon.

Gideon couldn’t hide his excitement as he carefully received the exquisite jade artifact, gently holding it with both

hands, afraid that it might fall and break into pieces. As soon as the jade ring landed in his hands, Gideon’s senses

tingled with anticipation. He could tell, without a doubt, that this exquisite piece was an authentic antique from the

mid-Quintong period.

Being born during the Quintong Dynasty himself, Gideon possessed a remarkable talent for identifying such

treasures. A faint scent of blood and decay wafted from the artifact, indicating that it had likely been recently

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unearthed. Perhaps it had been deliberately concealed alongside a corpse.

Eager to uncover the enigma shrouding the ring, Gideon infused it with his own aura. He yearned to unravel the

secrets held within this captivating object. The moment his aura intermingled with the ring, a subtle formation

within it sprang to life. Gideon was taken aback, pondering, “This formation has been active all along. I wonder what

its purpose could be?”

Despite his proficiency with aura manipulation, Gideon was far from knowledgeable about magic weapons and

formations. While he possessed a wooden sword adorned with an offensive formation, he lacked the ability to refine

or comprehend its intricacies fully.

Confronted with the formation left behind by Jagoan, he found himself momentarily bewildered, unable to discern

its true function. Its purpose remained elusive to Gideon’s untrained eye.

In truth, this formation was a passive defense mechanism, detailed in the ‘Apocalyptic Book.’ In case of attack, the

magic weapon’s formation automatically activates and channels its stored energy to shield its wearer from harm.

This ensures that its wielder is protected from any form of danger.

The formation’s effectiveness can be compared to a basic math problem. If the enemy’s attack was weaker than

the strength of the formation, then the owner would come out unharmed. However, if the attack surpassed the

formation’s capabilities, the formation would strive to defend its Master, yet the Master would still endure the brunt

of the unremitting assault.

Having never encountered such a formation before, Gideon remained clueless about the intended purpose of the

jade ring. Frustration welled up within him as he silently cursed the British Lord, muttering, “That old fox never

bothered to share the deeper insights with us. Now I’m left in the dark, clueless about the true nature of this magic

weapon. If I wish to discover its effects, I might have to return and pry the information out of that wily old fox… But

what if it’s perfect and he snatches it away without giving it to me?”

The mere thought of it stoked a seething hatred within Gideon. Before he could fully comprehend the finger’s

mysteries, Ladden approached, urging, “Old Master, are you nearly finished examining it? Please return it to me

once you’re done!”

Even the British Lord found himself fixated on the enigmatic ring adorning on Maria’s hand, emphasizing the

immense significance this magic weapon held for the monks.

Caught in a dilemma, Gideon sighed inwardly. “Should I simply seize this magic weapon or return it to its owner

before proceeding with my plan? Snatching it away would be effortless, this young man couldn’t possibly stop me.

However, if he were to involve the authorities, traversing Aurous Hills would become arduous. Furthermore, what if

his elder brother possesses other magic weapons? I might awaken the serpent and suffer significant losses over a


Moreover, in the midst of their conversation, Gideon’s mind was ablaze with a crystal clear understanding of the

intricate web of events unfolding before him. As he pondered, a theory sprouted in his mind “This man standing

before me, consumed by his insatiable greed, must be a mere pawn entangled in the treacherous world of tomb

raiders in the legendary Aurous Hills. It is highly likely that the gang of thieves has recently discovered an ancient

tomb that was long forgotten. Inside, they must have discovered a treasure trove of priceless artifacts, including

the elusive ring. These items are invaluable and could fetch a high price on the black market. The discovery is a

significant development in the world of archaeology and history. Undoubtedly, they are now relentlessly scouring

the realm for a wealthy buyer.”

His thoughts swirled in a whirlwind of anticipation. “The shipment from the Hong Kong merchant has yet to reach

my hands, but once I establish contact, I shall gain access to their entire plunder from the sacred tomb. If there

exists a substantial collection of mystical relics among their spoils, the potential profits would be immeasurable.

This opportunity, laid with promise, must not be allowed to slip away!”

Moved by this revelation, Gideon cast a piercing gaze upon Ladden and spoke with utmost seriousness, “Dear

brother, what price do you seek for this ring? If it aligns with my expectations, I shall purchase it from you!”

“You wish to acquire it?” Gideon’s affirmative nod prompted Ladden’s surprise. “Indeed, I intend to acquire it.

Please reveal the price to me!”

Upon hearing Gideon’s inquiry, Ladden’s thoughts immediately turned to Zachary’s prior instructions. Regardless of

the potential buyer, Zachary had explicitly instructed them to quote a price one hundred times higher than the

market value.

Ladden found himself puzzled by Zachary’s intentions. After all, his role was to assist people and execute assigned

tasks, not to delve into such convoluted affairs. His sole responsibility had been to fetch Gideon and if the elderly

man indeed desired the finger ring, Ladden needed to consult with

Zachary. Valuing the jade finger at a modest 30,000 to 50,000 at best, Ladden reckoned that quoting a price a

hundred times higher would bring it into the realm of three to five million.

Gritting his teeth, he extended three fingers and boldly declared to Gideon, “I estimate that this extraordinary item

shall command no less than three million!”

“Three million?” Although Gideon, who rarely ventured outside his seclusion, had limited exposure to the business

world, he comprehended the significance of such a sum. Fortunately, as a prosperous warrior, Gideon possessed

abundant wealth, rendering a few million, let alone several hundred million, a trifling matter. Turning his attention

back to Ladden, he inquired, “If I decide to proceed, can we complete the transaction now?”

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Ladden was taken aback, never expecting the elderly man to genuinely consider making the purchase. Thus, he

responded, “Should you truly wish to proceed, you must engage with my elder brother face to face. I am not

empowered to make the final decision on the matter.”

“Listen closely, Gideon,” he began, his voice imbued with certainty. “I shall offer you three million as a starting

point. The sky’s the limit, but if you find yourself disinterested, let us not waste each other’s time. Give me the

green light and I shall contact my elder brother for further instructions.”

Gideon nodded affirmatively, gesturing his acceptance and uttered, “Three million is agreeable to me.”

Ladden’s heart raced as he processed the astonishing turn of events. With caution and trembling hands, he

beseeched Gideon, “Sir, I implore you to return the ring. I must contact my elder brother without delay.”

Reluctantly, Gideon handed back the ring to Ladden. As soon as he retrieved it, Ladden swiftly distanced himself

from Gideon, ensuring there would be no possibility of eavesdropping. With his cellphone in hand, he dialed

Zachary’s number.

Once the call connected, Ladden immediately lowered his voice and whispered, “Brother Zachary, there is

someone interested in purchasing the ring you entrusted to me.”

Zachary inquired, “How much did you quote him?”

Ladden hushed his voice further and murmured, “I quoted a minimum of three million and he… he said he could

accept it.”

Zachary responded with a simple ‘oh’ before instructing, “If he can accept it, have him come to Antique Street and

meet me in person.”

“Understood!” Ladden readily agreed and posed another question, “Brother Zachary, this old man has caused me

considerable trouble. If the ring does sell for three million, you must give me credit!”

“Worry not,” Zachary assured him without hesitation. “Regardless of the deal’s magnitude, I shall grant you ten

percent of the reward.”

“Truly?” Excitement coursed through Ladden’s veins. One tenth of three million amounted to a staggering 300,000!

Even with a year of hard work, he could never earn such a sum.

“I never lie, my friend,” Zachary continued, his words laden with sincerity. “In fact, I would have granted you an

additional five percent if you had introduced me to a major client and facilitated the purchase of other items.”

Ladden’s joy knew no bounds as he exclaimed, “Very well, Brother Zachary! With your words as a promise, I shall

surely bring you a lucrative opportunity, no, a golden opportunity!”

Zachary offered a reminder, “Don’t limit your focus to just clients. Keep a vigilant eye on the airport as well, for it is

there that the true heavyweight clients from Hong Kong Island might arrive. That’s where the real fortune lies!”

“Fear not, Brother Zachary!” Ladden’s excitement surged, his words teeming with enthusiasm. “I shall not drop the

ball, I guarantee it!”

About The Charismatic Charlie Wade -