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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 5381
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Gideon was well aware of the situation at hand. Having already disregarded commands and arrived late in Aurous

Hill, he couldn’t risk disobeying again unless he had a persuasive justification. If he complied, it meant he would

head straight to Willow Estates and eliminate the slumbering Evans Family along with their protectors. Such a

monumental action would undoubtedly send shockwaves throughout the world.

Aurous Hill, being the epicenter of the incident, would inevitably plunge into an unprecedented state of martial law.

But then, how could he uncover clues about Zachary and his gang?

To buy himself more time, the best course of action was to proactively discuss the enchanted artifact. After all, the

artifact held great value not only for himself but also for the Lord.

Gideon desired to retain the piece of lightning-struck wood, capable of summoning thunder from the heavens. He

also planned to reveal the ring, hoping it would grant him a few extra days of respite from the Lord’s wrath.

When Gideon mentioned the term ‘enchanted artifact,’ the Lord paused for a brief moment, then inquired coldly,

“You acquired an enchanted artifact? What kind of artifact?”

Gideon explained, “My Lord, this subordinate stumbled upon a dealer selling off antiques. They had recently

excavated an ancient tomb in Aurous Hill and were selling the treasures. One of them was a Quintong Dynasty jade

finger ring, which conceals a complete formation within!”

The Lord immediately inquired, “What does it do? Have you tested the effects of the formation?”

Gideon replied, “The formation is a passive acupuncture technique. I speculate that it possesses some form of

passive power.”

Surprised, the Lord exclaimed, “Is this true?”

With unwavering determination, Gideon asserted, “My Lord, I would never deceive you… If you doubt me, allow me

to complete my mission and I will retrieve this enchanted artifact for your inspection!”

The Lord paused briefly, smiled and remarked, “Gideon, it seems you harbor selfish intentions towards me.”

Gideon hurriedly responded, “I would never dare, my Lord! Initially, I intended to confirm its authenticity and then

report to you. In addition, I believe that obtaining a few additional magical artifacts and offering them to you would

be an outstanding accomplishment.”

The Lord sneered and stated, “Since that is the case, you have ambition. Very well, I shall grant you three additional

days. If you manage to find more magical artifacts, your return shall be met with great credit. However, if you fail

to locate any such artifacts, you must not delay any further. After three days, the entire Evans family must be


Gideon breathed a sigh of relief, for he had won. The three-day window should provide ample time to delve deep

into Zachary’s gang. If he stumbled upon superior magical artifacts, he would discard the mediocre ones and

present only the finest to the Lord. However, if he failed to uncover any superior alternatives, he would have no

choice but to bring back the jade ring. Yet, even with this artifact, he could still seize a potentially life-changing

opportunity by exchanging it for a substantial fortune.

Ten minutes later, deep in the Russian Far East, Zeba found herself in a state of tranquil meditation. Like a melodic

tune, she temporarily resided in this serene oasis. For individuals like her and Gideon, who had mastered the art of

reiki, sleep was no longer a rigid necessity. Instead, they chose to utilize their slumber time for meditation and deep


Despite the absence of any residual reiki for their assimilation and transformation, they comprehended the

significance of honing the immaculate of their own aura through these rituals.

Just as Zeba delved into her meditative state, her cell phone abruptly vibrated, jolting her awake from her peaceful

reverie. The phone only accepted calls from the Lord and the other Marshals.

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With a sense of urgency, she swiftly unlocked her phone, revealing a special software indicating that it was the Lord

who had contacted her.

Without hesitation, Zeba pressed the answer button and spoke with deep respect, “My lord!”

A soft voice emanated from the other end of the line, inquiring gently, “Zeba, where are you at this moment?”

Furrowing her brows, Zeba realized that the Lord, despite having the ability to contact her at any time, chose to

greet her politely. It seemed as if he desired to establish a closer connection. Keeping this in mind, she replied

respectfully, “My lord, I am still in the Far East.”

The Lord emitted a hum, then proceeded to ask, “Have you discovered any clues suggesting that Maria has been to

the Far East?”

Zeba hastened to reply, her tone filled with regret, “I apologize, my Lord. I have been ineffective in uncovering any

information related to Maria thus far.”

A smile tugged at the corners of the Lord’s lips as he remarked, “Maria is quite cunning. It is not due to your

incompetence that you have been unable to locate her.”

The Lord’s tone grew serious as he continued, “Zeba, there is an urgent task I need you to undertake immediately.”

Zeba recognized that these polite words from the Lord held great significance. Without hesitation, she declared,

“Please issue your orders, my Lord and I shall go all out to fulfill them!”

The Lord’s voice resonated with authority as he stated, “I need you to make your way to Aurous Hill as swiftly as


Surprised, Zeba questioned, “My lord, do you want me to assist Gideon in Aurous Hill?”

“No!” came the Lord’s icy reply. “I want you to secretly monitor Gideon’s every move. I suspect he may have

ulterior motives regarding Warriors Den!”

Zeba was taken aback, hastily interjecting, “My lord… Gideon has demonstrated unwavering loyalty for many years.

How could he possibly harbor any ulterior motives about Warriors Den?”

The Lord withheld nothing, speaking directly, “While Gideon did tell me the truth, he only divulged a part of it!”

With a touch of excitement, the Lord continued, “He claimed to have obtained a mysterious magical artifact in

Aurous Hill. According to his account, he stumbled upon it while foiling a Tomb Raider’s sale.”

Zeba exclaimed, “Such a magical item found!”

The Lord elucidated, “I cross-referenced Gideon’s movements and discovered that he visited the antique street in

Aurous Hill twice. This strongly suggests that his story holds some truth.”

Perplexed, Zeba inquired, “My lord, I am puzzled. Even if Gideon did visit the antique street twice, how can we

prove that he obtained a magical weapon?”

The Lord’s reply carried a cold sneer, laced with gloominess. “Indeed, the movement records alone cannot prove

anything. However, today, the Aurous Hill Meteorological Bureau issued an extreme weather warning, precisely

twenty minutes after Gideon arrived at the mountain! Furthermore, I conducted a search on Aurous Hill’s local

internet and TikTok. Many people were discussing a thunderous explosion near Phoenix Mountain this afternoon.

According to their accounts, the thunder

was deafening, unlike anything they had ever heard before! Coincidentally, Gideon ventured into a valley not far

from those mountains.”

Zeba was getting more confused and asked, “My Lord, can we really assume that he has obtained an offensive

magical weapon just based on his proximity to the mountain?”

The Lord snorted with derision, replying icily, “Of course, the movement records alone do not suffice as evidence.

However, the circumstances align too perfectly to be mere coincidence. I will leave no stone unturned. Gideon’s

actions have raised suspicions that he may have obtained something far more dangerous than he claimed!”

Upon hearing the Lord’s words, Zeba’s heart sank into a pit of despair. She had suspected it all along and now it

was confirmed, the Lord possessed the ability to track the whereabouts of every Marshal. But what terrified her

even more was the Lord’s uncanny ability to analyze every movement made by each Marshal. By combining their

actions with local internet data, the Lord could create a detailed profile of their lives. It was a lifetime sentence of

control under the Lord’s watchful eye. Even though the Marshals often went on long missions without reporting

back, they were never truly free. The poison the Lord had implanted in their bodies ensured that they remained

obedient. The only difference was that those who Mastered the aura had a longer leash, with antidotes

administered less frequently.

Yet, what good was a longer leash if they were still puppets in the Lord’s hands? Zeba felt the weight of frustration

pressing upon her as she analyzed the key points the Lord had revealed.

The Lord’s mention of Gideon’s strange journey from Antique Street to the mountains intrigued her. It was even

more unbelievable that a thunderous explosion occurred precisely where Gideon had been. Piecing together these

events, Zeba could surmise the general context of the situation. It was highly likely that Gideon had obtained an

offensive magical weapon, one that could summon heavenly thunder. But he hadn’t disclosed this to the Lord.

No wonder the Lord accused Gideon of betrayal. Gideon believed that surrendering a passive magical weapon

would earn him the Lord’s trust. Little did he know that even from thousands of miles away, the Lord could discern

his deception through various clues.

With these thoughts in her mind, Zeba sought guidance from the Lord. “My lord, if I, as a subordinate, am not as

strong as Gideon, how should I handle the situation if he discovers my true intentions?”

The Lord’s voice was calm as he replied, “Fear not, I shall teach you a formula that can conceal your aura and

cultivation. Your strength is not significantly different from Gideon’s. With the aid of this formula, as long as you

remain unseen and refrain from using your aura within a few hundred meters of him, he will be unable to detect

your presence. Furthermore, I will provide you with his real-time location on your mobile phone, a secret that shall

remain hidden from him.”

Zeba responded promptly, “I understand, my Lord!”

The Lord continued, “Zeba, you have two missions during your stay in Aurous Hill. Firstly, you must spy on Gideon

and ascertain the nature of his recent activities and the number of magical weapons in his possession. Secondly, be

prepared to assist him in times of crisis.”

Surprised, Zeba inquired, “My Lord, does this mean that there is a significant threat in Aurous Hill, so great that

even Gideon is unable to handle it?”

The Lord sighed before replying, “At this moment, it is uncertain. Too many unsettling events have occurred

recently and many remain unresolved, leaving me in a constant state of unease. Since the incident with the anti-

aircraft gun in Cyprus, who knows what dangers lie in wait for Aurous Hill? However, do not dwell on such concerns.

I inform you merely as a precautionary measure. Gideon operates in the light, while you work in the shadows. We

must ensure that nothing goes awry. Ideally, Gideon should not face any danger, but if he does, you will be there to

help him. Though he may have

two hearts, he is still an indispensable soldier of the Warriors Den. Losing another meritorious companion among

the Marshals would be a grave mistake!”

Zeba swiftly assured him, “Worry not, Lord, I understand!”

The Lord gave a decisive nod and added, “Moreover, in case Gideon encounters further trouble from China

following the elimination of Evan’s family, I will suggest that he retreat from Aurous Hill. At that time, you will

remain in Aurous Hill, prepared to assist with the son of Bruce and Lily.”

As Zeba hung up the phone, an overwhelming reluctance filled her heart. As one of the four Marshals, she had

always abhorred violence and bloodshed. Being ordered by the Lord to commit such acts of evil left her

disheartened. She longed to stay inside the protective walls of the Warriors Den, dedicating herself solely to self-

improvement and avoiding the intricacies of the external world. Although she sometimes had to carry out tasks for

the Lord, she longed for the chance to work overseas, hoping for a suitable opportunity to break free from the

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weight of her responsibilities.

For instance, when the Lord instructed her to locate Maria in the Far East, she had only half-heartedly fulfilled the

task, meandering aimlessly. Unexpectedly, with a single phone call from the Lord, she was now en route to Aurous


Furthermore, this mission in Aurous Hill meant that she would be unable to indulge in her personal desires for the

foreseeable future. Though reluctant, she dared not delay any further and hastily embarked on her journey in the

middle of the night. She negotiated with the hotel owner and purchased a car at a steep price, commencing her

journey from her small town to Yakutsk, a city in the Russian Far East.

Simultaneously, Zachary found himself in the most prominent nightclub in Aurous Hill, basking in the embrace of

two companions. Dark circles accentuated his weary eyes and he clutched a jade ring finger that Tommy had

coveted, along with a bank card loaded with over a million dollars. Here, he

reveled in extravagance, drowning himself in copious amounts of foreign wines. A single bottle of champagne costs

a minimum of ten to twenty thousand, if not more than a hundred thousand. Beautiful young women surrounded

him, lavishing him with flattery. The fees they commanded for their presence tonight reached five figures.

Zachary’s excessive spending spree was all orchestrated by Leonardo. Earlier in the evening, Valentina had

instructed him not to worry about anything and simply enjoy himself. He even arranged for Zachary to stay in the

presidential suite at Shangri-La.

According to Valentina’s plan, he knew that the Marshal of the Warriors Den would undoubtedly visit Antique Street

the following morning in search of Zachary. Thus, he allowed Zachary to relieve and spend extravagantly, depriving

himself of sleep until the sun reached its zenith. Only then, with the scent of alcohol lingering, would Zachary

venture to the antique street to set up his stall.

This strategy aimed to manipulate the Marshal’s mindset, utilizing antiques and magical artifacts as bait. The

Marshal must understand the value of patience, no matter if he came to Aurous Hill to cause harm to Valentina’s

grandparents or his own family.

As morning dawned, Zachary found himself tangled up in the arms of two companions while lounging on the

luxurious bed in Shangri-La’s Presidential Suite, drifting off into a dreamy and peaceful sleep.

Meanwhile, Gideon’s impatience drove him to leave the hotel at dawn, heading straight to Antique Street in search

of Zachary. Eager to find him, Gideon arrived earlier than any other street vendor. However, after aimlessly

wandering the streets for three or four hours, his slender legs growing weary, there was still no sign of Zachary.

Unsettled, he relentlessly walked to and fro on Antique Street, traversing from the east to the west and vice versa,

repeatedly circling without end, in relentless pursuit of the person who plagued his mind.

Unbeknownst to him, his every movement was captured in real-time by the municipal surveillance cameras that

dotted the area. Leonardo, seated within Shangri-La, observed Gideon’s restlessness with keen interest.

At noon, Zeba’s plane descended upon Aurous Hill Airport, under the scorching sun. Throughout her journey, she

diligently practiced the formulas imparted to her by the Lord, striving to conceal her aura and cultivation as much

as possible.

Without any delay, she swiftly made her way from the airport to Aurous Hill Antique Street, hailing a taxi for the


Ladden continued to display his signboard, eagerly anticipating another stroke of luck like Gideon’s, yet in the

absence of the jade ring, he was unable to capture Zeba’s attention.

While Zeba was heading to Antique Street, Valentina was seated in Isaac’s office directing one of his men, “Wake

Zachary immediately and let him know that Master Wade demands him to start working.”

[HOT]Read The Charismatic Charlie Wade